Pro-Study and the Project Assist App have been designed to allow students to effortlessly collect and organise their research quickly and efficiently.

About Pro-Study
Working alongside students as Assistive Technology Trainers, we were all too aware that collecting and organising research for assignments can be an overwhelming and time-consuming challenge. Using student focus groups, we developed Pro-Study with the needs of students within our core values.
Pro-Study and the Project Assist App have been designed to allow students to effortlessly collect and organise their research quickly and efficiently. Students can capture information from multiple sources and then store it all in the programme’s dedicated centralised database. Each piece of information that is captured will produce a direct hyperlink back to the original source as well as automatically capturing the reference information. Information can also be captured using a phone camera and the reference information can be captured by scanning barcodes on textbooks.
Pro-Study can help with the whole research process, from categorising research through to exporting the finished projects into full MS Word reports and Mind Maps.
See more of what we do and visit our website here.
Contact Jonathan Webb -