eQuality Solutions
eQS: Founded in Diversity, Ambitious about Inclusion.
eQS: Founded in Diversity, Ambitious about Inclusion
eQS’s founding principle is to create a ‘good business that does good’ and the company has been driven by that ethos since 2006. Together, the Group’s portfolio of diversity, equity, inclusion and wellbeing businesses comprise the UK’s leading DEI specialists. Now over 100-strong, the eQS workforce are united in a common goal: removing barriers to learning in education, work and life, and transforming organisational cultures to create social and business benefits on a national scale.
Founded in Newcastle upon Tyne in 2006 by Chris Quickfall, eQS began life as a technology specialist in disability. With Head Offices in Hebburn, Gateshead – a region which has struggled with years of economic decline – the Group has a clear priority in addressing social and economic disadvantage as well as all other forms of disadvantage. The Group itself is currently engaged in our own DEI review, which will set out clear goals on all aspects of diversity including race, gender, sexual orientation and disability.
Our ambitious Group-wide DEI review is designed and delivered by our own workplace diversity consultancy, the EW Group. This project includes a comprehensive diversity audit across all areas of the business from recruitment, management, policies, communications, training and more. Out of this audit we will develop a fully integrated, long-term strategy with a set of measurable actions to ensure that as eQS continues to grow we do so with business practices that are fully inclusive.
The review will highlight the work to be done to ensure full representation at every level of seniority. Today, 40% of eQS’s Board of Directors is comprised of individuals representing a number of diverse groups, including sex and disability. 85% of the ownership comprises of disabled individuals or those with personal lived experience of disability. It’s a good position to build from but we know there’s more to do, particularly on gender and race.
eQS has made great strides at entry level and is passionate about growing and developing talent from diverse backgrounds. The apprenticeship programme has so far seen four individuals progress through the ranks from graduates to team leaders and finance professionals. Our volunteering scheme, has helped three individuals with mental health issues gain valuable workplace experience and skills to help them going forwards.
Early in 2022, the eQS leadership team and Board will join EW Group founder Jane Farrell for a facilitated conversation on inclusive leadership and DEI best practice. eQS is wholly committed to developing a fully inclusive and representative leadership team.
See more of what we do and visit our website here.
Contact Paula Hardy - pferrieuk@yahoo.co.uk