DH2 Solutions Ltd
Our expertise lies in all areas of Assistive Technology, Environmental Controls, Access Control and Computer Access.

About DH2 Solutions
Our small but friendly and knowledgeable team uses their combined experience of over 30 years in the industry to provide you with the best possible service. Our expertise lies in all areas of Assistive Technology, Environmental Controls, Access Control and Computer Access. We can take you step by step from the design of the system, which is customised to individual requirements and environments, right through to installation and aftercare maintenance. Rather than manufacturing, our focus is keeping up to date with all the technological innovations from around the world and using them to create a unique blend of technologies which we can then apply to an individual to enhance their independence to the maximum. Our flexible approach means that you get the right system at a price that matches your budget every time. Based in Leeds and providing services across the North of England, and often beyond this, we serve customers ranging from NHS Services, Local Authorities and Council contracts, through to private individuals as well as architects and building contractors working on refurbishment and new build properties. We are listed on the NHS Supply Chain National Framework Agreement For Electronic Assistive Technology for supply of both Products and Services.
See more of what we do and visit our website here.
Customer Service Team - info@dh2solutions.co.uk