CENMAC Assistive Technology in Education

CENMAC is a team of specialists who support children and young people with assistive technology to access the curriculum and/or to communicate.

CENMAC Assistive Technology in Education

CENMAC is a team of specialists who support children and young people with assistive technology to access the curriculum and/or to communicate. Located at Charlton Park Academy in South-East London, CENMAC is a unique service offering assessments, reviews and the loan of equipment. We work across the Greater London area, with children and young people aged 2 to 25 with Education Health and Care Plans in mainstream education, special schools, and those who are home educated.

For further information please sign up to our monthly newsletter www.cenmac.com/newsletter/ or Read our weekly blog https://cenmac.com/blog/ and join our weekly Thursday Thirty training sessions https://cenmac.com/training-and-events/online-training-recordings/

teacher and child looking together at iPad
student communicating with teacher using her high tech communication device
teaching assistant and child jointly communicating with an iPad and communication app
Two young people communicating with high tech communication devices
Student working with teaching assistant using an eye gaze computer





Ace Centre